Author Hansa Pankhania – Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter- Forgiveness, freedom and a fresh start- How we can all reconcile from our hidden colonial history. In her book, BEST OF THREE WORLDS, Hansa Pankhania offers a solution to the issue of the mental shackles of the colonial shared history, reconcile...

How can authors make money during lockdown?

How can authors make money when they can’t sell books? Chris Day is the founder of Filament Publishing and has been helping authors to turn their knowledge into income for two decades. In any time of crisis, there will be those who get...

Can I be Traditionally Published?

Can I be traditionally Published? Income and Investment Your book is an investment in yourself, your brand and your business. It will raise your profile in a way that nothing else can; position you as an expert and go-to person in your marketplace and grow your...

What is a Reader’s Report?

What is a reader's Report? Readers Report is a tool used by literary agents and acquiring editors to neatly summarize a manuscript for those who haven’t read it. In agencies, reports are most often completed by assistants and interns for the benefit of the agents (who...

When should you publish your book?

When should you publish your book? Authors are impatient people, and who can blame them. They have probably spent the best part of the year, snatching odd moments at different times of the day and night, trying to get their manuscript finished. Nobody will ever know...

Making a Business as a Children’s author

  The thing to remember about Children’s Books is that they are not bought by children but by parents.  Adults are the market that you need to aim at, and you need to give your prospective customers a good reason to buy your book. One short story in a book, no...