Complete Book Production Service
We can support you and manage the entire process. This includes mentoring, editing, design, layout, ISBN allocations, paperback and e-book formats and expanded distribution.

Publisher Manuscript Review
We will read your manuscript in its entirety and critique it against several criteria. Is the book well written and consistently so? Does its central premise hang together? Does it deliver on the original objectives and vision of the author? How does it compare to other bo!oks in the same genre? And much more

One to One Author Mentoring
A mentor will help you to craft a book that will not look out of place in the most prestigious bookshop; one that reads beautifully and showcases your expertise or your imagination. The relationship between mentor and author can ensure that your writing is fulsome and flowing, that you meet your deadlines and ultimately that you deliver a book you can justifiably be proud of.

Ghost Writing
You may know what you want to write about, but would rather convey your passion, ideas and experience to an experienced writer so they pick up the pen for you. Ghostwriting is an increasingly popular service for fiction and non-fiction authors. talk to us if you are interested in how your book can be written in your voice by a ghost writer.

Limited Editions
Creating a limited edition of your book is a great way to double your audience – and increase your profits! By only selling this edition on your own website you get the full retail profit without having to give discounts to anyone. You can add value by using enhanced features to the cover like foiling, embossing and spot UV varnish. Ask for more information!

Expanded Distribution
You have two choices as to where to distribute you book. You can settle for selling your book via an online book trailer, OR you could add your book to the global book trade, where it will be seen on the websites of all the bookshops.The more places that your book can be found in, the more sales you are going to make. With Filament Expanded distribution, we help you book to be found in even the most unexpected places!

Book Editing
There’s a reason why even the most accomplished and talented authors invest in the skills and critical eye of an editor. No author can act as the editor for their book, especially if they have bold plans for it. The last thing any author wants is to read reviews from readers discussing the errors they found in their book when a good edit would have avoided this altogether!

Marketing Your book
You can have the best mousetrap in the world, but it will do you no good without marketing! At Fiulament we have a top international marketer in Dee Blick FRCIM who give regular market masterclasses at our online AuthorCraft events. Prepare your questions in advance to get all the information you need

Enhanced cover design
Getting your cover right is crucial. Yes people do buy a book by its cover! You book deserves more than just a simple title and a pretty picture in the background! It needs to attract the reader and resonate with what they are looking for.