The Adventures of Amma and Kwessi – in Barbados by Joyce Osei

The Adventures of Amma and Kwessi – in Barbados by Joyce Osei


in the Sparkling Rainbow Teacup and Saucer!

Suitable for 6-8 year olds


Amma and Kwessi love adventures. Join them on their first adventure to Barbados.

Fly with Amma and Kwessi as they soar away in their sparkling rainbow teacup and saucer.

Discover who they meet and the fun they have in their exciting adventure.

Joyce Osei is a published co-author (having contributed her personal story in Voices of Hope anthology). She is a business analyst, and champion of Diversity and Inclusion. Joyce is married, has two children and loves to travel.

From an early age, Joyce was fascinated with storytelling and loved to create and tell her own stories. This is Joyce’s first children’s book and she is excited about creating this series of adventure books featuring Amma and Kwessi.

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg
Dimensions 20 × 20 × 0.3 cm