Through the eyes of a child by Chris Tuck


With one in four adults having been abused or maltreated as a child, Chris Tuck is trying to bring awareness of child abuse and the fact that it’s happening behind closed doors


No one cared and no one listened. In my world, I became a mum when I was seven.

My siblings and I could have wound up being just another statistic of child abuse. For us, it wasn’t just one or a few isolated incidents, but a tidal wave of neglect, bullying, starvation and survival.

For a long time, I’ve wanted to share my story but didn’t feel strong enough. Child abuse never leaves you. You’re not supposed to be beaten, touched or starved when you’re a child. Mummies and daddies are supposed to love you, not leave you, beat you, or molest your little sister.

When you’re a child, your mind is vulnerable. So when you are constantly bullied, put down and told you’re worthless by your carers, your teachers, social workers and other kids, your mind gets messed up. You grow up believing it was all your fault. The guilt and sense of blame eat into everything you do and everything you are.

When I started writing it all down, it was because I felt like I’d started to get past it. I felt like I had come out of a long, dark and desperate tunnel, and I was now able to show others that no matter what has happened in the past, it doesn’t need to dictate your future.

Chris Tuck is the co-founder of “Breaking The Cycle”, a support group for victims of Child Abuse. She also runs courses to help people to regain their confidence, their fitness and control over their lives.

This book is also available to download as a Kindle.

Also available to download as a Kindle is Parenting without Tears by Chris Tuck.

Additional information

Weight 0.329 kg
Dimensions 21 × 15 × 1 cm