Voices of Courage by Brenda Dempsey


Pivotal moments – stories to inspire


Voices of Courage is the vision of life coach and speaker Brenda Dempsey to bring extraordinary women together from around the globe to share their stories in an inspirational book of strength, courage and transformation.

Many women become trapped in their lives feeling hopeless and alone. They are so overwhelmed by their situation that they can no longer see a way out until…

The pain they are suffering becomes too much and they reach the critical point of ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!’

This is the Pivotal Moment when they summon up their courage from deep within their soul and scream ENOUGH – NO MORE.

Along with Brenda Dempsey, 32 co‐authors share their pivotal moments of transformation within the book. The ladies come from around the UK and Ireland, as well as the United States of America, Barbados, Lithuania and Israel.

Brenda Dempsey (Domestic Abuse Survivor, Catalyst and Problem Solver) is a Master Coach, Teacher, Mentor, Speaker and #1 International Bestselling Author. Brenda believes that women can find their voice through writing and speak about their stories with a catalytic reaction of increasing their confidence, belief and courage to step into the spotlight and share their stories with other women illustrating their conviction to make a difference in the world today.

As a Transformational Coach, Brenda successfully empowers, inspires and uplifts women so they too can be free to live their life on their terms and achieve their dreams. Her vision is to create more leaders through the education and Diamond ripple effect of Holistic Leadership.

Brenda has founded a charity for homeless women, focusing on their sanitary and hygiene, called Helping Handbags Worldwide. She is a mother of four smart kids and grandmother to seven beautiful grandchildren. Brenda loves to travel around the world with David, her guardian angel, leaving her mark on the lives of those she touches. She is a Scot who now lives in Surrey, UK.

Brenda is also the author of Voices of Hope.

Additional information

Weight 0.332 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14 × 1.5 cm