Turning your Knowledge into Income by Chris Day


How to create and market knowledge based products


“I’d like to invite you on a journey of discovery. Actually it’s a bit of a treasure hunt. I believe that hidden inside every brain is a dusty area covered in cobwebs containing long forgotten knowledge, past experiences, skills and old qualifications that haven’t seen the light of day for quite some time.

All knowledge has a value and sometimes all it takes is a question for it all to flood right back to the surface, ready to be of use again.

It is this valuable knowledge that has the potential of earning you some income. I might be wrong. It might be the case that if I were to wade through your deepest thoughts, I wouldn’t get my feet wet. But on the other hand I might be right – and if I am, you’ll kick yourself for not doing something about it.

Most people spend a lifetime making regular deposits into their personal Bank of Knowledge and build up considerable assets.

Very often when they are looking to cash in on other physical assets and dig themselves out of a hole, they completely overlook the most valuable things they own – their knowledge, experience and the insights that they have had over the years. By forgetting about them you are, in effect, letting your Bank of Knowledge have a dormant account!

Let me help you turn your knowledge into income!”

Chris Day is an author and business journalist. He writes a monthly column in ‘Making Money Magazine’. In 2000, he founded Filament Publishing Ltd to help niche authors to overcome the obstacles to getting their book published, and to help them to market it at a profit to themselves.

With expert contributions from Brian Mayne, Ron G Holland, David Barber, John S Rushton, Colin Bennett, Phil Chambers, David White, Ray Hodges, Rachael Ross, Frazer Ashford, Zara Thatcher and Jonathan Jay.

This book is also available to download as a Kindle.

Additional information

Weight 0.345 kg
Dimensions 22.5 × 15 × 1.5 cm