To Love, Honour, and Betray by Ruth Tunnicliffe




Every word of these books is a true account of the story of my extraordinary life. I started writing back in 2012 but found it too difficult and painful to write and just didn’t have long enough to continue with it. When the first lockdown hit I found myself redundant so I managed to pick the books back up and finish them. Fate you might say. It was meant to be. Written in my own words just as I speak and straight from my heart. It’s like you are sitting with me looking back over my life. It begins with one of my first memories when I was about 3 years old and going on right through until I am about to turn 60, documenting my life through childhood, teenage years, marriages, children and 2 painful divorces. I hope through my words others can find strength and inspiration and never give up hope. I am living proof that anything is possible, you just have to keep going and believe in yourself. You can do it. Material things don’t matter, people do. It is not all doom and gloom, there are some amusing and comical parts too.


When I finished the main book I sent my draft to Literary Agent and they thought the content was amazing and very readable. I have a wonderful team behind me, a well known and respected Agent, a fantastic Editor who edited the original book and suggested splitting it into two books, and a wonderful PR Journalist who commented when she read the books that “it was like crack” she just couldn’t put them down. The book(s) have been pitched to over 30 publishers and some are showing interest. I want more than anything to have books to hold in my hand which I can give to my 3 children. I have a film Agent too who is on board and pitching to film studios on my behalf, starting in the USA. She is convinced that there is a film to be made based on my story. They all believe in me and my story and that means the world to me.


The books document my experience and survival in the depths of a terrible situation with a Social Media Scammer who played on my good nature and vulnerability. A dangerous pathological liar who stalked me for weeks on Social Media and eventually convinced me of a business opportunity for myself and my daughter in America, only to drain my finances of thousands of pounds and leave me with nothing, feeling embarrassed, ashamed and alone. Returning to England with nothing. No home, no job and no money. Damaging my relationships with my family and friends. Nobody should feel like that. When you are a victim of a pathological liar you believe them. They are calculating, clever and convincing. I never thought I would fall victim to someone like that but I did. I hated myself for years because of what that person did to me and my family but writing the book has helped me make sense of it and encouraged me to try and prevent others from falling fowl of these people. Nobody should feel ashamed or embarrassed about being vulnerable and manipulated by these people.


You will travel through periods of humour and hardship, serious illness, despair to hope, terrible danger and desperation, failure to success, rising to strength and suspense, escape and survival, leading to firm friendships and freedom and happiness then finding real love.

Ruth Tunnicliffe

(Pseudonym: Sophia Regan)