The Caveman Principles: Get rid of everyday stress and enjoy mammoth success by Carl Rosier-Jones

The Caveman Principles: Get rid of everyday stress and enjoy mammoth success by Carl Rosier-Jones


Carl Rosier-Jones helps you to get rid of everyday stress with the Caveman Principles and enjoy mammoth success!


What has The Caveman Principles got to go with paleoanthropology? The short answer is ‘not one tiny bit’. But it has everything to do with stress, communication and change, especially for the modern Caveman.

We all live busy, stressful lives but fortunately we all possess the ability to shape and mould our future. The only person who holds ‘us’ back, is ourselves. We can blame others, our boss, our wife/husband, or even the kids, but ultimately we are the only person who can change our lives.

I developed the Caveman Principles to make my own life better, and I know that they will help you as well.

The book has been written to share my Caveman theories in an easy to read guide. You can follow them and improve your own life. You have the power to make the choice, to want better relationships, manage change easily and more importantly reduce your own stress. I hope you embrace the Caveman Principles and find them useful.

Carl Rosier-Jones is a Stress Coach and a Stress Consultant. Having worked in a particularly stressful environment himself, he observed at firsthand the devastating effects that stress has on people – himself included. Reducing stress became his passion and can even be described as an obsession by those who are close to him! His research into the subject helped him to create his Caveman Principles. The writing and publishing of this book has given him a greater reach and a platform to help many more people cope with their daily stressful struggle. Carl runs Caveman Principles Training Workshops, where he delivers his theories, and uses metaphors to help support and discuss his delegates’ stress events. His aim is to leave them with a new understanding of stress. He is passionate about wanting to work with people who need his help, as he believes the Caveman Principles is the new and proven technique for helping them conquer stress.

This book is also available to download as a Kindle, and as an eBook from Apple iBooks, Kobo, Waterstones, OverDrive, and Barnes & Noble.

Additional information

Weight 0.424 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 1.5 cm