In the footsteps of St Thomas by Serena Fass


The Apostle of the East

Foreword by His Holiness Moran Baselios Mar Thoma Paulos II, 8th Catholicus of the East

Introduction by Michael Wood


The story of the early spread of Christianity is full of tales of amazing bravery, endurance and faith. But the most remarkable by far are the legends of St Thomas, who took the Gospel to India, according to traditions which first appear in the late 2nd century AD.

In this book, Serena Fass tells us this story with a traveller’s eye and deep empathy across the roads of ancient Parthia and Gandhara to the palm forests of tropical South India. As a traveller’s tale alone, it takes some beating. But, of course, it is much more.

This is Serena Fass’ third book in her quartet, featuring the birth o Jesus in The Magi: their journey and their contemporaries, the death of Jesus in The Cross: meditations and images and now Jesus’ Great Commission: In the footsteps of St Thomas following the Apostle’s supposed journey from Jerusalem to Parthia and India and finally following the route taken by his body from Mylapore to Edessa in Mesopotamia, Turkey, the Greek island of Chios and Ortona in the Abruzzi, Italy.

Serena has since published St Mark the Evangelist with Filament Publishing, which follows in his footsteps from Cyrene, Libya, to his martyrdom in Alexandria, Eygpt and later with his body to Venice.

Serena Fass is a lecturer, photographer and author who is passionate about history, art, architecture and landscape. These all combine perfectly in the period of the first century AD at the time of Jesus’ life, death and His Apostles’ journeys to fulfill the Great Commission of taking His message to the ends of the earth. Over the years, Serena has followed many of these routes by land and sea.

Michael Wood is a distinguished historian and filmmaker. His six-part TV series ‘The Story of India’ was broadcast in 2007.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 25 × 20 × 2 cm