Make my World Complete by Michael Khatkar


 A mysterious book is weaved deep into the lives of three people entwined by tragedy, regret, pain and romance.


A mysterious book is weaved deep into the lives of three people entwined by tragedy, regret, pain and romance. There is no escape from the circumstances of choice, as physical and psychological retribution haunts the individuals, plummeting their maladjusted lives to inhuman levels of degradation and adversity. Catastrophe blights their days with despair and misfortune, pushing them to extreme depths of carnal and mental deterioration, catalysed by their unpredictable and insecure tryst.  Three dysfunctional lives directed and deviated by a book titled ‘Make my World Complete’ malignantly bonding them together, questioning their individual interpretations of love and life itself.

Disconcerting and volatile, Make my World Complete will drag you through an identical whirlwind of extreme emotions as experienced by the characters, compelling you to examine the essence of your own purpose the life you live and love itself.

Michael Khatkar is a platform speaker and motivational speaker. Having worked in industries that revolve around Personal Development for most of his career, Michael was inspired by ‘self-help’ books. Their core message was almost identical, homing in on the same subjects, same ideas and same solutions, hence he was ‘motivated’ to write his own version, based on a collection of genuine anecdotes all relating to vital life-changing messages – Motivation from a Tortured Mind was published by Filament Publishing in 2013.

Additional information

Weight 0.281 kg
Dimensions 21 × 14 × 1.2 cm