Magic, Madness & Ultramarathon Running by Andy Mouncey

Magic, Madness & Ultramarathon Running by Andy Mouncey


Lessons from the last decade


This book reconciles the madness of the ultra distance with the magic of the moment to give an insight into why more and more people are running trail ultramarathons for fun.

Nobody Tells It Like This Guy!

Mixing the intensely personal with the clinically professional, Andy Mouncey tells his story using three different and sometimes completely contrasting perspectives: As a fierce competitor, as an experience coach, and as a self-employed husband and father just trying to find his way in the world.

The brutal honesty, penetrating insight and tension-busting humour will suck you in and keep you engrossed even beyond the finish line.

If you do endurance sports, you will get this. If you don’t do endurance sports, you will get this – and you will never have to ask the question ‘why?’ again.

It’s Not About The Distance

This is a transformational personal journey that was revealed only when Andy paused to look back – and it’s also an utterly compelling tale of some long races in great places where he ran as fast as he could for as long as he could. Sometimes it worked, and sometimes…

Andy Mouncey was born in Leeds, West Yorkshire. After 17 years in triathlon, in 2003 he set the fastest stage times for the Enduroman Arch to Arc Challenge: a 300 mile solo triathlon linking London to Paris via an English Channel swim. He then hung up his googles and turned to ultramarathon running. He is a professional speaker, trainer and coach who has appeared on radio and TV. He is married and lives with his family in the north of England.

This book is also available to download as a Kindle

Additional information

Weight 0.383 kg
Dimensions 23 × 15 × 1.5 cm