Gracie Blessing’s Greatest Challenge by Janet K Davis

Gracie Blessing’s Greatest Challenge by Janet K Davis


A spine-tingling adventure full of intrigue

Book Three in the Gracie Blessing Series


A spine-tingling adventure full of intrigue.

In Book Three of the Gracie Blessing Series, Gracie, her best friend Joe and their faithful dog Solomon, embark on a final perilous journey into a terrifying faraway world where a devious evil power exists. They battle against dangerous, wicked forces to reach their destination, and it is only then that Gracie realises what her greatest challenge is. Can she face the unexpected, devastating task that the Supreme Being charges her to do?

As a pupil, school days for Janet K Davis were not enjoyable. However, this negative experience propelled her to become a successful teacher, specialising in children with behavioural difficulties. Today she lives on the edge of the New Forest in Hampshire, enjoys long country walks, playing tennis and supporting Romsey Dementia Action Group.

Janet K Davis is also the author of Gracie Blessing’s Quest for Treasure (Book 1) and Gracie Blessing Battles the Bullies (Book 2).

Additional information

Weight 0.25 kg
Dimensions 20 × 12 × 1.3 cm