Get Past the Gatekeeper by Tom Mallens


How to get more leads from senior decision-makers in three easy steps!


How to get more leads from senior decision-makers in three easy steps! Tom Mallens presents a practical guide to sales and marketing on LinkedIn for proactive, ambitious and winning sales professionals. Have you ever felt the frustration of not getting your calls put through? Of having your big chance shut down before it started by an aggressive receptionist shouting, ‘No, we don’t take cold calls,’ at you? Perhaps you’ve been told you can’t be put through because the company has a no-name policy. Or you’ve been asked to send in some information to an info@ email address. If so, then this book is for you. In it, you’ll learn exactly how to beat those bothersome gatekeepers once and for all; how to make frustrating cold calls a thing of the past; and how to get more leads from senior decision-makers in three easy steps! And all by avoiding the BIG mistakes most people don’t know they’re making on LinkedIn. If you’re serious about making business-to-business sales in the 21st Century, then this book is for you!

Tom is a business-to-business salesman and runs manufacturing sales business Tom’s lightbulb moment came after finishing business school; his dream was to work for himself and become the master of his own destiny. He started to run the manufacturing sales agency business Fibrecore with his sister, but didn’t know anyone in the manufacturing industry, and no one in the manufacturing industry knew him. After months of his phone calls being rejected by the gatekeepers at major manufacturing companies, he considering giving up, when he met a fellow salesman, who mentioned he had got leads on social media site LinkedIn. Within a few weeks of targeted LinkedIn use, Tom had an invitation to be a keynote speaker in front of 32 of his biggest potential customers at a conference in Germany, as well as appointments with companies that had rejected his cold calls. Today, Tom runs face-to-face and remote training courses, and speaks on B2B social selling, particularly LinkedIn.

This book is also available to download as a Kindle, and as an eBook from Apple iBooks, Kobo, Waterstones, OverDrive, and Barnes & Noble.

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Dimensions 23 × 15 × 1.5 cm