The Gemstone Detective: Buying Gemstones and Jewellery in India by Kim Rix

The Gemstone Detective: Buying Gemstones and Jewellery in India by Kim Rix


Explore the beauty of India’s undiscovered gems!


Explore the beauty of India’s undiscovered gems!

India has some of the world’s most beautiful gemstones: especially when it comes to flawless Golconda diamonds and the finest Kashmir sapphire.

You’ll soon find yourself mesmerised by the variety of gemstones to be found in this majestic country and spoilt for choice. It is great fun shopping for gemstones in India but (as with many other places in the world) you should remember one thing – buyer beware!

Offering practical advice, tips and the essential questions to ask, Buying Gemstones and Jewellery in India will help you avoid the tricks of the trade on your holiday.

Written by Kim Rix, a gemmologist (GIA) and professional photographer who has travelled to more than 50 countries in her lifetime, this essential guide for tourists is part of the Gemstone Detective series. It cuts through the jargon – for the benefit of hobbyists, gem collectors and jewellery lovers.

Kim Rix is dedicated to visiting each country in the Gemstone Detective series to provide readers with up-to-date and trusted information. Without this book, you could make a very expensive mistake!

This book is part of a series, also featuring Sri Lanka, Thailand, Australia, Worldwide and USA editions….so far! Keep checking back here for future books, or follow Kim on Twitter!

Additional information

Weight 0.224 kg
Dimensions 18 × 13 × 0.8 cm