Cruelly Betrayed – by Dr Mary Faltz


How can a woman who’s been cruelly betrayed over and over again, still find that inner strength to keep on going no matter what. Molested by her father for the first time at the age of 9, she lived a horrid double life during the 16 years of abuse that followed. The cruel truth was painfully hidden beneath that perfected smile. Her whole family stood by the abuser and she was abandoned by the very people that were supposed to protect her. With the lack of healthy foundations, she married a man, who did not hesitate one moment to cheat on her for years. She was an easy target after all – smiley, kind and loving. Let down by those she trusted, only to be let down by her own body when she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive cancer following her divorce. There was no time to ask ‘why me?’. The sheer determination to survive and the deep unconditional love for her children pushed this woman into remission. The survival tools lie conveniently hidden within each of us and are sharpened with each adversity life throws at us. The positive mindset is extremely powerful and has the ability to overcome cruel life challenges when tested.



I put my own father in prison. 16 years of sexual abuse and threats. 16 years of fear and silence. 16 years of forced smiling and resilience. 10 years of studies. 7 years of pregnancy. 4 years of criminal trials. 10 years of marriage. 5 years of deception. Half a year of cancer…and only 37 years old.

There was no time to ask ‘Why me ?’. Facing my own mortality made me realise that a big chapter of my life was not over yet and that I was not as free as I thought I was. These pages have written themselves in the middle of a still, ongoing heavy storm.

I may not be able to control what happens to me but I can always choose how to face it. This book will shed light on a far too common issue while encouraging you to self-analyse to create change in order to get you through your own ‘years’.