Begging for it! by Rosamund Walters

Begging for it by Rosamund Walters £9.99 €11.99 USA$14.99 ISBN 978-1- 912256-33-4 Rosamund Walters, who was always an animal lover, after her husband passed away in January 1996, she dedicated her...

Voices of Courage by Brenda Dempsey

Voices of Courage by Brenda Dempsey£14.99Out 22nd January 2019 – order now and we’ll dispatch when it’s out! ISBN 978-1-912635-35-1 Voices of Courage is the vision of life coach and speaker...

Stand up and Sell by Dexter Moscow

Stand up and Sell - by Dexter Moscow ISBN 978-1-912635-29-0 UK £14.99 USA $20 € 17 “In today's sophisticated business world, it is even more difficult to excel at selling and to achieve results.The...

Trap, Prey, Lust by Carolyn Shanti

Trap, Prey Lust by Carolyn Shanti ISBN 978-1-91263503-0 Launched February 26th 2019 The most notorious of the Hexagon Clubs is in London: exclusive, expensive, and catering to very rich men who...

The Candyman – by Jerry Bradley

The Candyman by Jerry Bradley ISBN 978-912635-54-2From concrete jungle to king of the world There is a price to be paid for everything. The Candy Man tells the adventures of James Blake, from a...

The Author’s Essentials Package

Essentials Package Available to all authors, whether you are Self Distributing, are Traditionally Published or Partnership Published The Essentials Package is a subscription service to provide an...

Seasonal Printing Delays

Please be aware that, some of our book printers are experiencing very high volumes at the moment. as a result, the normal turn-round time for stock is longer than usual. The rush service has been...

How to create an audio book

Nik de Garis Nik is the audio producer for Listening Books, a UK charity that provides audiobooks for those who have an illness or disability that prevents them from reading. Nik grew up in Guernsey...

Write early for Christmas!

We may be having the longest heatwave since records began, but don't be fooled; in the world of books, Christmas is just around the corner! This year, Super Thursday, as it is known in the book...

What is a Reader’s Report?

What is a Reader’s Report? A Reader's Report is a tool used by literary agents and acquiring editors to neatly summarise a manuscript for those who haven’t read it. In agencies, reports are most...

Author Serena Fass joins Filament

Since discussing the plight of Christians in their ancient homelands, I have become more and more concerned about their future, and of the many churches and monasteries where I have been privileged...

Notes to my Younger Self – Kezia Luckett

Have you ever wished that you could go back to a pivotal time in your life and give yourself sound advice? Words of hope, wisdom, knowledge and inspiration that everything is happening for a reason...

Living a Divine Life – Joanne Lee Philpot

This is the inspirational true story of a woman’s journey towards self‐discovery and realisation! Joanne dreamt of a Yoga Retreat in sunny Italy, but found herself with a half‐built house in the...

Make my World Complete – Michael Khatkar

A mysterious book is weaved deep into the lives of three people entwined by tragedy, regret, pain and romance. There is no escape from the circumstances of choice, as physical and psychological...

Filament Re-Booted for 2018

Author update from Filament founder, Chris Day With the start of our new financial year at the start of April, we are putting in place a raft of new facilities to help our authors to be more...

Celebrating Filament’s 19th Anniversary

  We probably wouldn't have noticed this if it wasn't for Zara noticing that Twitter was reminding us.   Yes, we have been publishing for 19 years!  A big thank you to everyone who has joined us on...

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