Write early for Christmas!

We may be having the longest heatwave since records began, but don’t be fooled; in the world of books, Christmas is just around the corner! This year, Super Thursday, as it is known in the book trade, is on 4th October. This is the day when wagon loads on new...

Full house at our AuthorCraft event at the Institute of Directors

[metaslider id=”2660″] “Very often you read a flier about a speaker which if full of all sorts of superlatives, only to be disappointed when they failed to live up to their billing. The complete opposite is true of Michael Dodd!   His billing was full of...

Filament author Tom Meyers launches his new book in Colchester

[metaslider id=”2621″] Congratulations to author Tom Meyers for a great book launch event in the famous Red Lion Bookshop in Colchester, his hometown, on Saturday 21st July. Despite it being a roasting hot day, the events space was packed with the entire...

What is a Reader’s Report?

What is a Reader’s Report? A Reader’s Report is a tool used by literary agents and acquiring editors to neatly summarise a manuscript for those who haven’t read it. In agencies, reports are most often completed by assistants and interns for the benefit of the...

Watkins books hosts Feroze Dada’s book launch

[metaslider id=”2544″]’); ?> Congratulations to Feroze Dada for a most colourful and spectacular book launch at Watkins bookshop in London’s Cecil Court on Tuesday 3rd July. Great entertainment was provided by singer Saira Peter and her...