The Gemstone Detective Series – by Kim Rix

This series of travel guides is for anyone considering a trip abroad an who want to add a new dimension to their holiday. Buying gemstones or jewellery on holiday is a wonderful memento of a trip. But how do you know if you gatting good value or worse, if you are...

The Road Home by Damaris Lau

The Road Home – ~Damaris Lau ISBN 978-1-912256-61-7 UK £10.99 €17.99 USA $14.99 Damaris is not linked to a religion, but her innate wisdom rests, among other things, in Buddha’s spirit and her love emanates from her ever-faithful trust in Christ. She therefore...

Captialism in Crisis – what’s gone wrong and how can we fix it

Capitalism in Crisis – what’s gone wrong and how can we fix it? Charles Hampden Turner, Linda O’Riordan and Fons Trompenaars ISBN 978-1-912635-56-6 Due for release March 2019 “A brilliant critique, but above all a persuasive vision of a  humanitarian...

Begging for it! by Rosamund Walters

Begging for it by Rosamund Walters £9.99 €11.99 USA$14.99 ISBN 978-1- 912256-33-4 Rosamund Walters, who was always an animal lover, after her husband passed away in January 1996, she dedicated her life to make the dog world a better world by teaching dog owners the...

Voices of Courage by Brenda Dempsey

Voices of Courage by Brenda Dempsey£14.99Out 22nd January 2019 – order now and we’ll dispatch when it’s out! ISBN 978-1-912635-35-1 Voices of Courage is the vision of life coach and speaker Brenda Dempsey to bring extraordinary women together from around the...