Author Events & Book Launches

Carly Chamberlain Book Launch September 1st ZOOM EVENT  –  Tuesday September 1st 8.00pm Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 847 4787 9525 Find your local number: ZOOM EVENT Wednesday September...

Author Stephen Gillen creates media frenzy with debut book

“‘Stephen Gillen’s story is one of redemption – overcoming adversity to be the person each of us knows is deep inside. ‘The Monkey Puzzle Tree tells his story from his humble beginnings during the dark days of the troubles in Ulster, to...

Who can you rely on?

There is only one person you can rely on It is a sad fact of life that nobody owes us a living, and more than that, aside of the people we owe money to, our ex-wives, our family and our dog, nobody cares much else about us either!  It’s also the same for our business....

Author Hansa Pankhania – Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter- Forgiveness, freedom and a fresh start- How we can all reconcile from our hidden colonial history. In her book, BEST OF THREE WORLDS, Hansa Pankhania offers a solution to the issue of the mental shackles of the colonial shared history, reconcile...

How can authors make money during lockdown?

How can authors make money when they can’t sell books? Chris Day is the founder of Filament Publishing and has been helping authors to turn their knowledge into income for two decades. In any time of crisis, there will be those who get...