Publishing for a new Era
Of all the industries yet to shrug off the shackles of the past, publishing is near the top. Victorian business models and contractual relationships remain in place today. Coupled with this is the palpable snobbery about what makes a ‘real’ author.
Must a real author be traditionally published to garner respect and achieve sales? Are authors without publishing deals not considered ‘real’ authors? Should a real author have to pay for their book to be published?
Today we have millions of incredible, successful, and bestselling books that have eluded the radar of the traditional publishers. Behind every one of them is a ‘real author’.
Traditional publishing is no longer the tantalising pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. However, is the alternative, self-publishing, really serving authors well?
Well, firstly there is absolutely nothing wrong with being awarded a publishing deal from a traditional publisher. It can really add stripes on the sleeves of any author. However, there is a price to pay for that publishing contract. Publishers demand much from their authors in return for publishing their book. They expect their authors to have big social followings they constantly feed with content. They must be adept at public speaking and have a launch plan that more than matches their publisher’s efforts. Some authors receive an advance to write their book, which is deducted from the royalties which are typically modest because the publisher retains a hefty chunk.
To date, self-publishing is the route that most authors have sought when a publishing deal is not in the offing. This can be a blunt instrument. Authors are given a list of required purchases from the self-publishing company. It can make them feel as though they’re on a production line. They are part of the process, but they have little say in who participates in their book production and why. It is very much one size fits all.
There is a new generation of authors that are discovering a highly credible and appealing alternative.
Curated Publishing® is a holistic approach which allows authors to control their book and intellectual property. It also recognises that authors need knowledge and support, but not at the cost of losing control and having to share their royalties, to get it.
Curated Publishing® gives authors more choices, complete control of their publishing and the knowledge they need to make it a success. It heralds a new relationship with authors and in this respect is quite different from Self-Publishing, hybrid publishing or traditional publishing. It is the way forward.
Successful authors recognise that success relies on a flow of activity through multiple marketing and sales channels, with social media often at the centre. They must be confident in sharing their passion and mission on platforms such as YouTube, Facebook and if writing non-fiction, LinkedIn. They must also embrace networking -online and face to face and public speaking. The sum of these skills adds up to support that a traditional publisher would shy away from providing.
A Curated Publisher® recognises that in addition to writing a good book, an author must be a content creator, a digital marketer, a marketing maven, and a consummate networker. You might need support and guidance in these areas.
What can you expect from a Curated Publisher®? You should expect a more author-centric relationship with the focus being more about supporting your brand building and marketing activities as well as the mechanics of bringing your book to market. You should expect to be collaborating with a peer group who are on the same journey as yourself, and who share the same vision.
Now is the time to shake off the past and embrace a new era of publishing. You need a Curated Publisher® to mentor and support you and your book as you venture onto that road less travelled – success on your terms.
You’re in charge of every aspect of your publishing journey. But never on your own.