Tap into the power of Subconscious Verbalisation with a ‘deep-dive’ recorded interview about your author journey and your book.  Let open questions help you tap into long-forgotten memories and experiences to produce interesting insight into your world.

One of your biggest assets in marketing your book, is you, the author!

Usually, there is very little in a book about the author, usually only a page. Equally, most author websites only have a few factual paragraphs about the author which a missed opportunity.   Readers would like to find out more about the authors they are interested in. What makes them tick? Where do they get their ideas from? What else do they know about the subject matter in their book? What is their unique philosophy?

To help you to tap into this powerful promotional tool, Filament Publishing presents The Author BackStory Interview.  Tell the story of you and your book on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook

These days the easier way is for the interview to be done on zoom.  We can provide you with an image of your book and a branded background to sit behind you on screen.


  • A pre-recording zoom  session with a journalist to map out the content of the interview to be used to identify the questions.
  • A background image to be used during the interview
  • Agree a list of photos / graphics and video to cover the joins in the programme
  • Agree the use of music and choose tracks
  • List the URLs to appear on screen
  • Agree lower third captions and end slate opcy
  • Carry our live interview on Zoom
  • Edit video and add music and captions
  • Produce a transcript of the interview
  • Assist the author to post the programme onto YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook, ideally on their own accounts.

Pricing is dependent on the length of video required

Call Chris Day on 07802 211587    chris@filamentpublishing.com