Book Printing Prices and Inactive Titles

Increased book Printing Costs

With recent prices rises on paper and printing costs, we have had to revise our terms of business.

Short-run POD tiles are no longer cost-effective as they are subject to a handling charge per order and carriage from the printer, neither of which can be recovered.

A POD order from the book trade now costs more to print and ship, than can be recovered from the sale.  Where a book is being sold at a loss, there are no royalties that can be paid.

If the retail price has been set too low, or the printing costs have risen, this can leave no margin from which to pay authors royalties.

As part of our service to our authors, we ensure that their titles are able to be purchased and distributed worldwide. This we do at no direct cost to our authors, although there is a cost to us which we recover through sales. When a title become inactive, and sells fewer than two books per week from all sources,  we can no longer recover these costs from sales. At this point the title is classed as Inactive and is moved to our Extended Catalogue where they will be printed to order.

Where this is the case, the solution is for the author to raise the selling price of their book in order to restore margin.  If this affects you, please make contact with us right away.

Alternatively, where the author resources the cost of printing a modest stock to service book trade sales, this will allow sufficient sales income to enable royalties to be paid.