The A to Z of Positive Thinking – A new vocabulary to change your life – by Neil James Tuson

This the 25th Anniversary Edition of Neil James Tuson’s original and entertaining book, “The A to Z of Positive Thinking” – a new vocabulary to change your life. Over 50,000 have been sold around the  world

It’s fun: try playing with positive words when writing  to friends and colleagues; enhance your CV with words which jump off the page and inspire confidence; above stimulate good energy in your life by the very words you choose to use.

In an average sized dictionary containing 31,460 words, only 1680 are positive, strong, powerful and stimulating compared with 5890 negative words. By listing those strong words, this A-Z guide aims to reverse the trend towards negative thinking by the use of language.

This book like any project, started with a small seed of an idea. The eventual stimulus to write it all down and publish was a negative experience that, once anti-doted and negated, turned into an outstanding opportunity for personal growth.

They say that even something as beautiful as a pearl starts as a small piece of grit inside the oyster. That’s how I now see that initial stimulating event: another bit of grit in life from which to learn, grow and further the path of love and life.

I know from personal experience, business, and testimony from friends that all these strategies do work.

As I say in my classes, if you like the ideas – great! Use them – work with them. If on the other hand, you don’t see anything of value to you – great! Just trash the idea and move on to another that feels right for you. There are no right or wrong ways in growing. Growth happens because we want it to happen.

Author biography – Neil Tuson

Neil has sailed around the world as a ship’s engineer. Somewhere on that voyage, he discovered a passion for personal development. Being entrepreneurial he quickly set up his own coaching and consulting  business. He has had the privilege  of working with 6961 people in 257 businesses around the world.  Neil is also the founder of Perfect Teams.