Confessions of a Crummy Mummy by Natalie Brown

“A tell-it-how-it-is mum must-read. An acutely honest, sharp, witty, and perceptive dive into the realities of modern motherhood. A light-hearted and comforting reminder that we’re all in this together.”

In her first book, accidental mum of four and blogger Natalie Brown (aka Crummy Mummy) lifts the lid on a subject the hugely successful genre of telling-it-how-it-is parenting memoirs has yet to touch on: giving birth in a global pandemic. And let’s just say giving birth in a global pandemic was not in the birth plan!

Starting with the birth and what really happens to your lady bits after pushing a human being out of your foo-foo, chapters are split into confessions on subjects including sleep (or lack of it) to breastfeeding, weaning, and washing – and what happens when you unwittingly find yourself doing it all in the middle of a global pandemic.

Whether you’re one of the new generation of mamas with a lockdown baby or haven’t had the misfortune of giving birth in a global pandemic so can laugh and breathe a sigh of relief, this antidote to the traditional parenting manual is for all new (and not so new) mamas feeling like they’re doing too many things and none of them well.