New book – Mind Flip by Zena Everett

Congratulations to Zena Everett on the soft launch of her book, Mind Flip. Zena launched her book at the AuthorCraft event at the Institute of Directors, London on Tuesday 23rd May in front of other authors, experts and guests.

Mind Flip is a new must-read career manual for anyone looking to change jobs, achieve promotion or find more fulfilling work. Written for all career stages from Graduate to Granddad, including Mum Returners, over 50s, women in business and the new self-employed, it is the culmination of Zena’s many years of working in recruitment and  career coaching.

Mind Fipping is to flip your focus away from yourself and instead look outwards – on to the value you add and the problems you, uniquely, can solve for other people.

Comedian Graham Norton believes that this philosophy will help you transform the way you look at your career – for ever! The book provides you with everything you need to fire up your career, including a foreword by DeeDee Doke, Editor of Recruiter Magazine, on the future of recruitment and talent management.

Mind Flip is 304 pages long and costs £14.99. It is available to buy from Amazon, to order in all good book shops, and the Filament bookshop, as well as Zena’s website.

Zena is an international executive coach, with a rare cocktail of entrepreneurial, headhunting, organisational psychology and coaching experience. She started and ran her own recruitment business and became fascinated with why some of her candidates were more motivated, confident and successful than others. To figure that out, she sold her business, completed a Masters in Career Management and Counseling, and undertook further post-graduate coaching training. She now helps ambitious people to achieve career goals they didn’t know they had, or were capable of until they worked with her.